

Banned books week Pour les Term LLCE

Launched in the fall of 1981, Banned Books Week is intended to make the public more aware of the frequent challenges to the First Amendment’s guarantees of freedom of speech and press. This celebration of the First Amendment is the product of a joint effort by the American Library Association, American Booksellers Association, American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, Association of American Publishers, American Association of Journalists and Authors, and National Association of College Stores.

Each year, the last week of September is designated Banned Books Week (26/09 to 02/10/2021). Organizers choose a theme related to the First Amendment that is also designed to promote reading : this year’s topic is “Books unite us, censorship divides us.”

That’s why our class of Terminales Spécialité Langue Littérature et Culture Etrangère had the pleasure to read a selection of challenged or banned books,( many of them yet) often considered as classics in worldwide literature. Through reading, the pupils had the opportunity to review and share their point of view on the importance of open-mindedness and knowledge through culture.

To enlarge the debate, a special guest from the library Les Quatre Moulins, Brest also presented the students a few patrimonial books and discussed the question of past and present censorship in France.